Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Swine Flu?

Don't know if it's possible for a cat to get H1N1, but whatever it was it was a doozy. Once again I couldn't eat, drink, crap or piss, which are basically all I ever do besides sleep. So Smelly Feet and Blondie got me into the plastic jail cell and took me to the vet. Turns out it was some kind of virus again, so the daily treatment was pills jammed down my throat twice daily followed by the ol' tube in the backside for fluids trick. Yowza! I'm back at it again, causing a fuss like usual. And yes I did catch two bats at the same time. How'd I do it you ask? All in good time, my friends, all in good time.


  1. We're still waiting to hear about those bats Ficus, do tell! Glad you're feeling better!

  2. Are you there, Ficus? I want to hear more... especially that you're still with us.


food ball

food ball
call the s.p.c.a.

the humans

the humans
smelly feet and the blonde one

laser beams

laser beams
humans are lame at times


looking good...