Hey people. Sorry, it's been awhile I know. After the near death experience ( I'm only exagerating a little bit- you ask Blondie, I was H-U-R-T-I-N-G!) I've been up to my ears in mischief. I'm really getting to know the neighbourhood well, and enjoy causing havoc by staying out WAY late and waiting for the humans to try and entice me back with the bag of treats. I definitely could get used to this lifestyle. Smelly Feet lets me out first thing in the morning and all I have to do is come back, meow a little and they put food out for me- SUHweet! And if I stay out real late I get treats! You figure that one out.
Oh yeah, and since the last time I was weighed back when I was a city cat in T-dot, I've lost a whole half a kilo! That's like 15 pounds in cat weight! Actually, when I think about it my buddy Pippers has lost weight too, but that's only because half the dead thing hanging off his back end that he calls a tail fell off. GROSS!
We've had lots of visitors and they seem to enjoy picking me up, scratching me, you know the usual human stuff. "He's so big!" they scream. Oh yeah, thank you very much. I've been neutered though.
You readers ought to consider a visit, you'd love it. There's fresh air, lots of bike trails, rivers everywhere, but one thing I would definitely recommended- don't eat the mice.
Later folks.
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