I know, the title sounds strange. Like something Al Gore would say. But it's true. Ever since I've been given my freedom weird shit has started happening. First, I eat a poisonous mouse. Well, I didn't exactly eat it, but bit enough of the bugger to send me swirling and earn a visit to the hospital. Put me out of commision for days. Next, I get soaked. I already mentioned how wet this summer was, and I don't know how many times I got caught in the rain. No joy whatsoever. But you know the worst thing of all about being an "outdoor" cat? Freakin' fleas. OH...MY...GOD... These things drive me crazy. Stinky Feet even bathed me the other day. It helped for a day or two but they're back. The creepy pests do a daily migration up and down my back but have pretty well set up camp just up from my tail. You know, that spot that you just can't reach. So next thing you know all my customary sleeping spots are infested too. Haven't slept in my bed for weeks. Hardly ever sit on my pillow. You know the only places to hang where the bastards don't get you is on cold linoleum or on top of Blondie's dresser. But they're out there, lurking, waiting, dying to get at me.
Blondie got some spray the other day that's supposed to help. NOT. This toxic stuff is like Agent Orange but all the fleas did was pack up and move camp further up my back. IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! Besides the fleas, August was alright. A little damp, but at least that dog is gone. Hallelujah! Bring on September. Gotta go, my ass is itchy. Adios.