Hey. I'm Pippers. I live next door to that fat thing they call Ficus. Don't get me wrong, he seems like a cool cat but geez, he could do to skip a meal now and then. And talk about lack of street smarts! You'd thing he spent his whole life indoors!
So I am more or less King of the Hill around here. I was born and raised in a barn and prefer the great outdoors to the stuffy house. I met Stinky and the Blonde One a few weeks back while they were checking out the house and it looks like they've moved in. They're a bit stingey on the treats though, the students who lived there before even put a bowl out for me. But they do shoot me the odd one here and there, although I'm sure Fat Fike eats raw sirloin and sips on half and half cream, either that or he's got a monster brick of cheese that he keeps to himself.
Between you and me though, it's good to have another curious cat in the 'hood. My roommate Jack (he's Siamese) isn't much of a wanderer, and we definitely need to make our feline presence known or you never know, this could become dog country.
Ok. So my tail doesn't move. I was born that way. My owner once considered chopping it off, but really it doesn't get in my way. And I have had it for 19 years now. Yep, nineteen years. And I've got a ways to go yet, that's for sure. It's all about pacing yourself. Something you humans could take a lesson on. Anyways, I'll be stopping in from time to time. Nice to meet you, got any treats?